Adult Guardianship
Who Will Make the Decisions for You?

What is Guardianship?
Guardianship is the management of the affairs of someone who has been judged unable to manage their own affairs.
Why would we need Guardianship?
If the person in your care is in good health, you may not be thinking about her possible need for a conservatorship, or adult guardianship. But if you’re considering this step, you’re not alone. The unfortunate truth is that many older adults have long periods toward the end of life when they’re not able to make decisions for themselves – due to Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia, a stroke, an accident, or some other serious medical condition. If the person has an advance health care directive, the decision-making about her medical care, if she becomes incapacitated, may already be provided for. If she has a durable power of attorney for finances , there will be someone to take care of money matters.
But what if she has only one of these documents? Or neither? Or there are important decisions not covered in those documents? That’s where a conservatorship, or adult guardianship, might come in. It’s not simple to arrange, usually requires a lawyer, and needs a judge’s approval. But it might help solve the huge problem of who makes major decisions that involve her when she can’t do so herself and there aren’t enough other written directions.
What Type of Guardianships are there?
Of the Person
- Place of residence, medical treatment, end-of-life decisions.
- Maximizing independence in least restrictive manner.
Of the Estate or Property
- Representative payee, protection and appraisals of property, receiving income, making disbursements
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